A multi-sensory experience occurs when the customer is appealed to by two or more senses.
The pre-parade segment at this year's National Day Parade was expected to be a multi-sensory experience, with performances on land, sea and air.
The music often matches the tone of the story in the album booklet in order to create a true multi-sensory experience.
This is probably due to recently scholarly discourse in the field of museum education that links multi-sensory experiences like storytelling with effective learning in children and adults.
Her belief was that art should be a multi-sensory experience, not just one enjoyed through the eyes.
The ride incorporated multi-sensory experiences as well as a re-orchestrated version of the song by Justin Hayward.
The facility and all exhibits have been designed using the principles of universal design, which go beyond accessibility with an approach that uses multi-sensory experiences as educational tools.
Heston's cooking is famously a multi-sensory experience.
Inspired by the ancient flood story of Noah's Ark, this indoor and outdoor attraction offers a multi-sensory, interactive experience.
Together, the music, architecture and exhibition program provide a unique multi-sensory experience for music fans, artists, and families alike.