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Today, it is a multi-use building combining a cinema with shops at street level.
It is a multi-use building.
The Dundee Sports Dome, an indoor air supported multi-use building is also located at the Sportsplex.
It is a multi-use building, with gallery space, multipurpose hall, cafe, restaurant and bar, salon, and shops.
Harbor Court is a multi-use building with restaurants in the lower floors and a split residential/office tower.
The Town Center is a multi-use building with apartments on the two upper floors and thirty thousand square feet of retail space on the first floor.
For many years after the mining bust and subsequent end of performances it was used as a multi-use building for presentations and community events.
In August 2001, the district approved construction of a $1.9 million, 10,500-square-foot, multi-use building between the office and 30's wing.
This is even more of a problem if the auditorium is a multi-use building that is often converted for other events.
The Central Teaching Hub is a large multi-use building at the University of Liverpool.