Accidents resulting from the poor condition of these vehicles, including multi-vehicle accidents, are common.
And other multi-vehicle accidents occurred in Fair Lawn and Glen Rock.
The Candongueiros often drive at high speeds, and they are the principal vehicles involved in the many deadly single and multi-vehicle accidents along Angolan roads.
This height and weight, while potentially giving an advantage to occupants inside the vehicle, may pose a risk to drivers of smaller vehicles in multi-vehicle accidents, particularly side impacts.
A multi-vehicle accident on the M5 southbound near Taunton in Somerset was causing delays this afternoon, the Highways Agency said.
Around the same time, there was a multi-vehicle accident in Selden.
This Clause shall not apply to multi-vehicle accidents where three or more vehicles are involved.
The Agreement will operate as between the Insurers of all vehicles involved in multi-vehicle accidents.
He pulled over to assist at a multi-vehicle accident, helping to stabilize several injured drivers and treating wounds with torn clothing.
The Ibadan tanker truck explosion was one of the worst ever multi-vehicle accidents, killing between 100 and 200 people near Ibadan, Nigeria on 5 November 2000.