The deal capped a multi-year effort by Verisign to narrow its focus to its core infrastructure and security business units.
The city of Modesto finally annexed the "Shackelford annexation area" in 2012, regarding the event as "the culmination of a multi-year effort".
The multi-year effort raised $19.5 million in capital gifts and government grants, loans, and low income tax credits.
A multi-national, multi-year effort will be required to create effective interdiction capacity in the region.
The San Francisco Bay Guardian has led a multi-year effort to publicize allegations of Raker Act violations.
We are making the point that this is a multi-year effort.
Another society member is currently working on a multi-year effort to index the county's newspapers.
We see that as a multi-year effort, and working that pretty aggressively.
Learn more about the multi-year effort to study the post-2024 issues around the treaty between the United States and Canada.
The Cornell University Satellite (CUSat) project is a multi-year effort to design, build, and launch an end-to-end autonomous on orbit inspection system.