Cell divisions cleave the egg, like cutting a cake, and result in a multicellular structure.
Plant embryos are multicellular structures that have the potential to develop into a new plant.
More typically, gametangia are multicellular structures that differentiate into male and female organs:
A fruiting body is a multicellular structure on which spore-producing structures, such as basidia or asci, are born.
The gametophyte is the multicellular structure (plant) that is haploid, containing a single set of chromosomes in each cell.
Cellular adhesion is essential in maintaining multicellular structure.
Women are born with millions of immature eggs, which are contained in multicellular structures called follicles.
Usually by the time a being got to this size, it had managed to develop at least a little multicellular structure.
He listed them: multicellular structure, with cellular differentiation.
Algae - Primitive water-dwelling plants with a one-celled or simple multicellular structure.