A crowd concentrated in the center up front, like multicolored flags marking small territories on the one acre lawn.
The multicolored flag of Santo Domingo hung from the flagpole, its white cross visible now and then as the breeze took it.
Today, amid dozens of tiny multicolored flags stuck in the ground within 100 feet of the Schnatterly home to mark the position of bomb fragments, investigators were completing their work.
It is quite a sight to see people singing and dancing to the beats of drums and songs with multicolored flags called nishans in their hands.
Wind rushed past him, whipping Whil's sheet into a fluttering multicolored flag.
As caravans crisscrossed the country, voters hung out the vehicles' windows waving their parties' multicolored flags.
At one point in the cleanup thousands of multicolored flags covered the former dump's property, identifying different types and levels of hazards.
Clothes flapped in the breeze on the balconies like multicolored flags.
Meticulously preserved 150-year-old houses sit next to large beige buildings covered in rows of multicolored flags akin to those found at suburban car dealerships.