"I think as more people have multiracial, multicultural experiences from a younger age," Ms. Atkins said, "inclusion will happen naturally."
Tomorrow night's our Sabbath, Stacy can have a multicultural experience.
As a student he majored in music production and engineering and also experienced various multicultural experiences beneficial to his career.
In order to develop international skills and to gain multicultural experience, students study at one of the partner institutions during the fifth semester:
By that time we had evolved into a seven-piece raggle-taggle multicultural experience.
It is part of a plan to bring children from the cities and the suburbs together for a multicultural experience.
The central themes in her poetry are: the multicultural experience, celebration of various types of love, and contemporary social issues.
Kundu considers himself to be a dance nomad, traveling the globe to teach, perform, learn and grow as an artist from his multicultural experiences.
It was a hugely multicultural experience and has made me an entirely global being... what better way to prepare a child for the 21st century?
Although many overnight camps across the United States cater to particular populations, only a few offer a multicultural experience.