The picture was temporarily shelved after the film board received complaints from multicultural groups.
The festival boasts over a hundred local booths, and a food court sponsored by local restaurants and multicultural groups.
They are also for the same reason very suitable for lower ability pupils or for multicultural groups, and can be a useful leveller.
His goal is to "build the first truly balanced multicultural group," he said, "where no one culture dominates, valuing the quality of ideas above their origin."
Milbury is mixing a multicultural group, a key to success in modern hockey.
Youngsters from the multicultural group will perform along with the celebrities.
The school is a largely multicultural group with many different cultures represented.
A number of other local and international papers serve other multicultural groups in the Lower Mainland.
Within multicultural groups, there exist different decision-making strategies with the individuals due to the diverse cultural backgrounds.
LBP is a school with a multicultural group of students coming from 56 different countries, speaking 42 languages, and practicing 17 different religions.