The United States is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values.
They seemed to express pride in the largely multiracial, multicultural nation that Britain has become, rather than an imperial past.
I also felt, sitting in church, that the attack will help Norway become a multicultural nation.
For intelligent and responsible adults to self-segregate in a multicultural nation with a history of racism is tragic.
In this new narrative, Britain is not only a multicultural nation but a country of mixed-race individuals, couples and families.
The cultural separation from Ukraine proper meant that many were to form the so-called "multicultural soviet nation".
She did "not wish to live," said Jespersen, in a multicultural nation "where the cultures were considered equal.
Due to the multi-ethnic composition, Israel is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of traditions and values.
India feels that retaining Kashmir is essential to its survival as a diverse, multicultural nation.
Still, no one walking the streets of the cities here could doubt that Britain has become, to some extent, a multicultural nation.