The ISZS coordinates and funds a number of multidisciplinary programs.
This program will be a multidisciplinary program that teaches students about volunteerism and philanthropy and how to use it across the globe.
The Healthcare Initiative is a multidisciplinary program dedicated to innovative thinking in the healthcare industry.
For the 14th year, teachers and others can explore, in a residential setting, one art form exclusively or a variety of forms in the multidisciplinary program.
"Rialto Jazz for Kids" crafts a multidisciplinary program that brings lessons of culture and history to life for young children through music.
Part of a multidisciplinary program sponsored by the New School for Social Research.
The building also houses support facilities for multidisciplinary programs, including:
It occurred to Drake that multidisciplinary programs must be hell.
Culture and Politics: a multidisciplinary program that enables students to understand the connections between culture, society and politics in international affairs.
In 1997, he led the school to develop the first multidisciplinary doctoral program in rehabilitation sciences in the United States.