Mr. Spurrier's multifaceted career is typical on the London wine scene.
For the first time in his rich and multifaceted career Bjørnstad give us an album with a trio constellation.
Dr. Long enjoys a multifaceted performing career including orchestral, chamber music, and solo engagements.
As Ms. Tucker has learned, sustaining a multifaceted career means working three times harder than the average musician.
But working on a joint stage-film project like "The Forest" also allows him to diversify still further his already multifaceted career.
Avoiding sensationalism, this sympathetic biography concentrates on Day's multifaceted career.
Day's personal life is best covered in her autobiography; perhaps realizing this, Santopietro concentrates on her multifaceted career.
In light of her multifaceted career, Miller's outrageous fortune as a war reporter was par for the course.
During this period he also began his multifaceted career, focusing primarily on the creation of residential and theatre environments.
Historic preservation was another aspect of Mohyla's multifaceted career.