A resourceful, imaginative, creative and quick-witted person was required to master the multifarious activities and to co-ordinate them.
Since then the Institute has made rapid progress and today it is a full-fledged Polytechnic with multifarious activities under its umbrella.
On 15 January 1862 he submitted proposals to the tsar which became "the basic blueprint" for his multifarious activities at the War Ministry.
The Luton families studied had relatively little free time left after work, given the multifarious activities required to keep a house, garden and car even minimally organized.
He engaged himself in multifarious activities of the Church, and its maintenance and expansion at the grassroots.
This information about Rolla's life and multifarious musical activity helps us interpret his work.
His competence and multifarious activities gave him a place in the University of Calcutta of which he was a Senate member for many years.
Life has become, perhaps, too specialised for such multifarious activities.
The center has been a part of multifarious activities which ranges from handicrafts, training of artisans, and craftsmen.
It is certain that Kable played no part in public life comparable with Simeon Lord's multifarious activities.