Intervention, however, should be recognized to include multilateral actions, nonviolent applications and long-term policies.
And if such a large group were expelled by the Iraqi government, that would serve as an appropriate trip wire for multilateral military action.
He would have sent in the ships only as part of a multilateral action.
Some experts said the piecemeal progress in that effort could haunt the Bush administration now as it demands quick, multilateral action.
The ideal mechanism is multilateral action through both new and existing development banks.
Public support for multilateral action remains phenomenally strong.
But also in the balance, is the very idea of multilateral action to achieve common goals.
There will be a whole new environment pushing towards multilateral action.
Bilateral and multilateral action are both restricted by a lack of funds.
The Commission, let me add, shares the view that the turbulence we have recently been experiencing in the financial markets calls for international, multilateral action.