As AidData, it now contains records of over 900,000 international development projects financed by bilateral and multilateral donors from 1950-2010.
However, UK funding through the EU, the largest multilateral donor to Solomon Islands, will continue.
Bilateral and multilateral donors should encourage such rights-based policies through their funding prerogatives.
Sierra Leone continues to rely on significant amounts of foreign assistance, principally from multilateral donors.
As a result of these combined problems, bilateral and multilateral donors suspended program aid to Kenya in 1991.
Project partners include local and international non-governmental organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, financial institutions, and government ministries.
With close to $1 billion in remittances a year, they have sustained life in Haiti at a far higher level than bilateral or multilateral donors.
The DAD is tracking nearly $23 billion worth of commitments from bilateral, multilateral and other donors.
As a result, the IMF, which influenced nearly all bilateral and multilateral donors, in February 1986, declared Sudan bankrupt.
We cannot succeed without everyone' s participation: the pharmaceutical industry, the bilateral and multilateral donors, and the countries involved.