It has since become a multilateral, equal partnership among the EU, Iceland, Norway and Russia.
Numerous cooperative projects are either underway or envisioned, and bilateral and multilateral partnerships are deepening.
The center will build on its American experience, develop ties in other countries and become a multilateral partnership, tackling global concerns.
Mr. Dukakis talks with enthusiasm of multilateral partnerships to solve a variety of world problems; Mr. Bush generally dismisses such group efforts.
This serves to promote strong hybrid institutions as a potential solution to the low "implementation record of [...] multilateral partnerships". is a global science gateway-accelerating scientific discovery and progress through a multilateral partnership to enable federated searching of national and international scientific databases.
"The thing is to have multilateral partnership to intervene before it is too late," he said. provides a global science gateway through a multilateral partnership to enable federated searching of national and international scientific databases and portals.
The League of Partners was founded in November 2010 to ensure a multilateral partnership between business circles and the Kazan 2013 Organizing Committee.
This successful multilateral partnership had its bilateral dimension as official and unofficial contacts between the two countries multiplied in the late 1970s.