Code-switching relates to, and sometimes indexes social-group membership in bilingual and multilingual communities.
In per capita terms, it is perhaps the most multilingual community in the world.
When learning a different language while in a multilingual community, there are certain barriers that one definitely will encounter.
This makes Konkanis the most multilingual community of India.
It is no accident therefore that many of the multilingual communities develop their own resources and language infrastructures.
The department was also honored by the VERA Institute for showing some of the best practices while dealing with a multilingual community.
The department was also honored by the VERA Institute for best practices in a multilingual community.
In other cases, there are monolingual signs in different languages, written in relevant languages found within a multilingual community.
A multilingual community requires a more sophisticated language policy than merely enlarged provision for French.
What about the linguistic violence of multilingual communities?