The multilingual staff is cordial, eager and efficient.
The multinational, multilingual staff will jump through hoops to make you comfortable.
At these PIT's - or tourist info booths - are multilingual staff who can assist you.
With 109 rooms largely in the form of yellow bungalows, Canaima has a multilingual staff and rates of about $187 a night (58-212-976-0530).
This includes multilingual staff and information points to help travelers.
Quality standards like air conditioning, width of seats, on board services, multilingual staff, etc.
Free publications - including maps, guides and brochures - will be offered at the center, which will also provide help from a multilingual staff.
InvestUkraine is located in Kiev, Ukraine and features a multilingual staff.
The multilingual staff is charming.
With a Bangladeshi floor supervisor and a multilingual staff, you get the feeling that anybody on the planet could shop in the store.