The Great Depression in Washington State, a multimedia collection of photographs, maps, digitized newspaper articles and essays on the impact of the Depression.
Pacific Northwest Antiwar and Radical History Project, multimedia collection of photographs, video, oral histories and essays.
Ontology based interaction with multimedia collections.
The Foundation is also working on the consolidation of a huge multimedia collection, the Universal Audiovisual Library.
They have a multimedia collection of CD-ROMs, classic films and audio cassettes.
The disc contains Visions of Mars, a multimedia collection of literature and art about the Red Planet.
It holds and preserves the largest multimedia collection in existence of the materials of Irish traditional music.
Since the first launch these are some of the multimedia digital collections Stampii has launched or announced the following.
What you will also find as you walk into the library is the multimedia collection featuring a collection of DVDs and CDs.
Björk has described the project as a multimedia collection "encompassing music, apps, internet, installations and live shows".