The monetary union eliminates the time inconsistency problem within the zone and reduces real exchange rate volatility by requiring multinational agreement on exchange rate and other monetary changes.
The Los Angeles Times called it "the most significant multinational agreement ever on the world's environment."
These agreements have a long history with some multinational agreements being in place from as early as 1910 in Europe, America and Africa.
The United States also pushed for, and won, the first multinational agreement aimed at monitoring charities and money-transfer offices suspected of financing terrorist organizations.
This would be an interim approach while seeking a long-term, multinational agreement.
It provides a legal framework for completing bi- and multinational agreements for public law CBC among NCGs.
This article enables Member States to introduce simplifications beyond the scope of the Customs Code, within the framework of bilateral or multinational agreements.
Mr President, in supporting the reports which are the subject of debate, I must also take the opportunity to make some more general comments on international and multinational agreements in fisheries.
Secondly, it seems to me logical that a multinational agreement on trade should be complemented by a multinational agreement on investment.
We expect specifically that multinational agreements integrate the concerns of our farmers and of our consumers.