Its water business is doing well, he added, and its multinational operations will benefit from the dollar's weakness.
A Multinational force is a multinational operation which may be defensive, aggressive, or peacekeeping.
A participating editor described it as "an attempt at a multinational operation that deals in ideas rather than in fast food or consumer products."
Notably, six multinational operations have been commanded by Australians:
This allows Desai to elevate India's status as a world power, turning the country into a multinational criminal operation completely under his control.
More than that, they feared that the arrival of a multinational operation would lead to a lowering of standards.
Military policemen participate in multinational operations and exercises.
Mr. Murdoch's multinational operation includes newspapers, television stations, magazines, movies and printing plants.
The Liberals are pushing for a broader interpretation of the Constitution to let troops participate more fully in multinational operations.
Many others in both parties and in the country at large have misgivings about multinational military operations.