Nepal's experiment with multiparty democratic government formally began today on an enthusiastic and emotional note.
The leading black organization has said it is not opposed to an amnesty, but believes that amnesty should be dispensed by an interim, multiparty government.
Proportional systems tend to produce multiparty governments (coalition governments).
In much of sub-Saharan Africa, the transition to multiparty government has been difficult.
It formed a multiparty government under the leadership of Executive Mayor Helen Zille.
Mr. Savimbi's, of course; he advocates free elections and democratic, multiparty government.
"No police officer wants to take a decision; they're scared stiff of the new multiparty government," a former Government adviser said.
As a result, this traditional form of religious authority gives the monarch the political legitimacy to arbitrate the agenda and decisions of a modern, multiparty government.
TODAY: From one-man rule to multiparty government, but at a price.
The A.N.C., for its part, has agreed to the idea of a multiparty government of national unity during the transition.