Two-phase flow is a particular example of multiphase flow.
Darcy's law for multiphase flow (for flow through porous media such as soil)
A wet gas flow has a value of χ between zero and about 0.3 and values above 0.3 are usually defined as multiphase flows.
It was later shown by Yuan and Schaefer that the effective mass density needs to be changed to simulate multiphase flow more accurately.
The analysis of multiphase systems can include consideration of multiphase flow and multiphase heat transfer.
In multiphase flow in porous media, the relative permeability of a phase is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of that phase.
The above form for Darcy's law is sometimes also called Darcy's extended law, formulated for horizontal, one-dimensional, immiscible multiphase flow in homogeneous and isotropic porous media.
He is known for developing a front tracking method to simulate multiphase flows and free surface flows.
At Nottingham, Azzopardi has been Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and has led a research group in multiphase flow.
The water is pumped from the level it drops to using rising steam which is combined into a multiphase flow.