Acorns as big as my head rained down and the little family munched on them happily.
The optimistic hare pulled another apple from her tunic and began munching happily.
"Good children you have here, Ma'am," called one of the guards, happily munching as they approached.
I found grain for Gairloch, and he munched happily enough.
It's as if she made it herself,' he said, munching happily on the fish ball.
She turned towards Vladislaw who was happily munching his cardboard sandwich.
I gave him a carrot stick, which he munched happily.
They all sat and munched happily, perfectly contented to be together out in the open air, eating a wonderful lunch.
He leaned back in the chair, munching happily.
One minute you're happily munching, the next you're crunching on your own tooth.