She ate and drank ravenously, focusing all her attention on the mundane act of feeding herself.
This realization, which was forced on me by the mundane act of having to crunch numbers, sort of hit me hard.
The pictures bring you into the action, making even mundane acts like rolling pastry look cool.
This awkward association of the mundane act of eye care combined with the unceremonious nudity is quite jarring.
The 25-year-old year old was seen pumping her own gas in West Hollywood last week, making even the most mundane act somehow look incredibly hot.
It is only through the mundane acts of democratic citizenship that Iraqis will be able to build a civil society.
A related concept is the imperative to engage with the Divine through mundane acts, such as eating, sexual relations, and other day-to-day activities.
Every mundane act - taking a bath, scrubbing the floor, shopping for groceries - appears fraught with peril.
It often is the reenactment of a tragic event, although it may sometimes be a very mundane act that was repeated often in life.
By this, he included "mundane" acts of change as well as ritual magic.