But the real dysfunction, abetted by all these distractions, is the mundane business, or lack of it, that goes on in the legislature.
The glamorous part of running an insurance company is definitely not the mundane business of selling policies and handling claims.
Now that this task is done, it's back to the mundane business of crafting and carving skis.
In the meantime, the board will continue with its more mundane business.
The idea of making great profits from consolidating mundane businesses seems too good to be true.
Both developments are part of a broader scramble by Internet companies to get into the mundane business of selling cars and car parts.
He ought to find the whole business utterly mundane.
But a more mundane business, fund management, has been fabulously successful.
Wall Street's swankiest firms own everything from computer companies to chemical concerns - and a lot of more mundane businesses, besides.
But it is not enough for a playwright to people the stage with finely drawn characters and let them go about their mundane business.