This is a fairly mundane question, but the book does not give a mundane answer.
Yes, All the stupid mundane questions rushed to his lips.
Yet Christian history has shown it is easy for some to get caught up in a more mundane and potentially dangerous question: Who's to blame?
The story quickly veers away from its mordant roots to focus on a more mundane question: Will the wedding take place?
The mundane question superseded a dozen others, and helped her focus.
"It's a mundane question in connection with Bill; thank God for his enthusiasm."
The Sending had gone beyond recall; there was no way to summon it back and ask mundane questions.
If not for the mundane question I'd asked, I would have thought she was crying.
But there is room to deal with a more mundane question: how can we seize this historic opportunity to get rid of the penny?
We will therefore pass on to more mundane questions.