J.L.H. asked for support from the municipal coffers.
He was right: the town clerk was in the midst of stealing at least $130,000 from the municipal coffers.
Pre-Katrina, Biloxi's casinos employed 15,000 and in the most recent fiscal year contributed $19.2 million to municipal coffers.
They bring in people's life savings for a district's builders, banks, stores and municipal coffers, with no corresponding need for increased school spending.
There, the quarters are put into counting machines that tally them for deposit into the municipal coffers.
In return, the developers promised to fatten municipal coffers with property tax revenues.
This sector contributes a substantial income to the municipal coffers.
This private enterprise approach has turned the city's golf courses around financially; last year, they raised $1.8 million for municipal coffers.
Mr. Lutz said he would prefer to finance the subway system directly from municipal coffers.
He lost the dehesas of their property that he had maintained and exploited for centuries by providing significant benefits for the municipal coffers.