Centennial Hill was the site of a municipal dump and the south end was used as a transfer station.
Still, in almost six months the government has identified only one rubble site, the municipal dump called Truitier.
When a municipal dump closes, local officials may incinerate their waste or send it to a larger landfill in the area.
The rules are the first comprehensive Federal standards for municipal dumps.
I looked around and spotted what looked like a municipal dump in one corner of the square.
Over time it became the site of a salt mine, a slaughterhouse, a prison, an ammunition depot and the municipal dump.
The entire population turns out, attendance is compulsory, and gathers at the municipal dump.
A few weeks ago that field was dug up by bulldozers to create a municipal rubbish dump.
The city is trying to reduce the amount of rubbish going to the municipal dump by encouraging recycling.
Right now, everyone is using the atmosphere like a municipal dump, depositing carbon dioxide free.