After returning to England he devoted himself to scientific research, philanthropy, and magisterial and municipal duties, declining reappointments in India.
According to the records, after his recuperation the rescue engineer had been transferred to municipal duty in a small emergency-response department on the planet Relleker.
The Praetorship was a costly position to hold as praetors were expected to possess a treasury from which they could draw funds for their municipal duties.
The Nicosia Municipality is responsible for all the municipal duties within the walled city and the immediately adjacent areas.
After 1974, it is responsible for all the municipal duties on the southern part of Nicosia.
He could handle his municipal duties at meetings held two nights a week and on Saturdays.
It is a municipal duty for someone to climb up to wind it every day.
In addition to his municipal duties, Gainer served on the province's public appointments secretariat for Science North.
Since then, the remaining municipal duties were transferred to Parsippany.
As an adult, he was responsible at one time or another for nearly every municipal duty in the working-class town of 5,000 in Union County.