This was also the year when a dissident leader named "Pampanga" was captured and incarcerated in the municipal jail.
The municipal jails averaged 13,416 inmates between July and October, 2,000 more than in the same period last year.
For the faint of heart or frail of fist, at least 10 smaller cities in the county run pay-to-stay facilities at their municipal jails.
Other facilities were built including schools, athletic field and municipal jail.
Facilities for protective services include the police headquarters, police substation, fire station, municipal jail, and Coast Guard.
Once Santiago was released he was given the job of chief clerk in the municipal jail.
I am not aware of a single county or municipal jail located within the boundaries of a large American city that is not already severely overcrowded.
Later it became a municipal jail.
While he was sentenced to municipal jail in Manhattan his wife never received financial support from Joe Massino.
And in some areas, if that happens, the municipal jails will spill over into the streets.