In Daimler's core market, in the British municipal sector, sales were little short of disastrous.
A relatively new vision for the implementation of open government is coming from the municipal sector.
Officials at the firm have already acknowledged that their second-quarter earnings will be reduced by about $100 million because of bond-trading losses, particularly in the municipal sector.
He gets paid more than what he would be able to make in the private or the municipal sector.
The municipal sector used 73 million m3 (24 percent).
They liaise with the various federal, provincial, municipal and private sector entities found within their areas of responsibility.
Within the municipal sector in Copenhagen, 45% of all food consumption is organic but the target is considerably higher.
You create programs with the voluntary and municipal sectors so that kids can work beginning in junior high or high school.
There are 19 Source Protection Committees in Ontario, with representatives from the public, economic and municipal sectors.
Steyr is an Austrian manufacturer of tractors for the agricultural, forestry and municipal sectors.