Currently, New York City's municipal workforce has grown to be 1/7th the size of the whole federal government if you don't count the military.
He argues that significant increases in the size of the municipal workforce and in its salaries in recent years did not lead to marked improvements in services.
Doré promised that he would eliminate guaranteed permanent employment in the upper levels of Montreal's bureaucracy, so as to create more diversity in the municipal workforce.
The new administration embarked on a programme involving the enlargement of the municipal workforce and bringing it directly under public control in order to improve job security, conditions, and pay for workers.
Mayor Giacomino inherited a municipal workforce which had doubled during the Juez tenure, absorbing 74% of the city's us$500 million annual budget.
Juez expanded numerous city services, though by the end of his tenure, the municipal workforce had doubled, absorbing 74% of the city's us$500 million annual budget.
They control every arm of the municipal workforce.
He unveiled his plan days after announcing the layoffs of 3,000 city employees, nearly half of the municipal workforce.
His openness with the press has sometimes backfired, such as when an offhand comment about needing to shrink the municipal workforce of 4,000 by as much as 20 percent angered the City Hall rank and file.
Instead, Mr. Koch said during a news conference in his City Hall office, he might be forced to reduce services and cut the municipal workforce through attrition.