Originally intended for munitions storage, the facility researched anti-animal biological agents beginning in 1952 under the U.S. Army.
"We just plugged in key words dealing with chemical and munitions storage," he said, "and we just began to pull up all this cable traffic."
Camp Navajo is a munitions storage and regional training site operated by the Arizona Army National Guard.
It was used as a munitions storage and disposal facility by the United States Army from 1941 until the 1990s.
Visitors to the museum can see the big guns as well as bunkers, barracks and munitions storage (including some daunting 800kg shells).
The camp includes 200 dormitory rooms, a cafeteria, weapons and munitions storage, and numerous operations and support buildings.
There were hundreds of rooms and smaller surrounding laboratories, office buildings, barracks and dining facilities, warehouses and munitions storage, crematoria, and the prison cells.
During the war it was used primarily as a troop carrier transport airfield and after for munitions storage before it was closed in 1957.
He also recommended replacing civilian superintendents of national armories with military professionals, fearing that civilian superintendents lacked adequate knowledge of munitions storage.
North Field was abandoned after the war; its facilities were used for revetments and munitions storage in support of the other two airfields.