After receiving an anonymous tip that his father was murdered, he tries to put together the murder scheme.
Fletch informs Gail of the details to her husband's murder scheme and the fraudulent ranch deal.
She admits that the reason for the murder attempt was her involvement in a prostitution ring and a murder scheme.
He said the rabbi's greed and lust led to the murder scheme.
Naturally, since a murder scheme had slipped, Dwig, at present, was out to amend it.
When Mike arrives home, Zach's murder scheme backfires and he runs away.
I almost didn't want to think about the possibility that Kyle might be behind the diabolical murder scheme somehow.
Claudius's murder scheme, though we know what will happen, generates a breathless suspense.
The child evades the rival's murder scheme, later returning to claim his rightful position.
She had allegedly accumulated more than $250,000 through her murder schemes over the years-a huge fortune for those days (about $6.3 million in 2008 dollars).