Leader of the murderous crew, the crook at the wheel had acted with promptitude in the emergency.
Shark Meglo and his murderous crew had arrived to claim new swag.
Sandra could no longer wonder why The Shadow had flung such terror into the black hearts of the murderous crew.
They were a rough, murderous crew, hardly leavened by the few respectable members of society who were scattered among them.
David warns Alan, and the two are able to overcome the murderous crew.
Fists were the only weapons that the new fighters used; but they drove boldly into the murderous crew.
With this murderous crew on hand, he hadn't needed to supply the kill himself.
The leader of the murderous crew went down, clutching an elevated pillar with the slipping fingers of his left hand.
Rallying to their leader's cry, the murderous crew surged toward the autogiro.
Now he has emerged with a murderous crew of commandos and without much of his sanity.