In one of his earliest appearances, he helps the team battle a gang of murderous criminals who take after the Punisher.
Crime's superfoe - The Shadow - takes the full brunt of battle against murderous criminals on his own - to prove that his hunch was right!
The Celestial was a murderous criminal who had managed well to hide his true character under a shopkeeper's placid guise.
Unaware of her back seat passenger and that she is being pursued by the police and murderous criminals, Ann picks up a handsome hitchhiker.
But the judge upheld the convictions, saying that the defendants were "proven by strong evidence to be murderous criminals."
"Killing is not to be taken lightly, but I haven't much sympathy for murderous criminals."
This cromlech was the meeting place of the Hooded Circle, the murderous criminals who had supposedly fled the night before!
From somewhere in the depths of the building, that murderous criminal had set off a charge that had blown the meeting room to pieces.
Yet another was Black Jack (1968), in which a young apprentice is forced by accident and his conscience to accompany a murderous criminal.
They land in England but it is not certain how they will be treated - as political refugees or murderous criminals?