The nation has been invaded by a fanatical, murderous cult.
Many non-Lakota living near the reservations interpreted the battle as the defeat of a murderous cult; others confused Ghost Dancers with Native Americans in general.
Next week, Frank and friends go after a murderous cult with connections to the gang that terrorized Japan with poison gas.
They both involve murderous cults of women.
Prime-time entertainment will no doubt continue to exploit "fact-based" tales of murderous cults, serial killers and lesser horrors.
The details were still coming in, but I feared we would never know everything about the strange, murderous cult that had sprung up in California.
In 1990, he was named Prosecuting Attorney of the Year in Ohio for his successful prosecution of 13 members of a murderous religious cult.
She came to believe that family members participated in a murderous satanic cult.
Book review of Thug: the true story of India's murderous cult by Mike Dash.
Soon after this, they confront the murderous cult led by Mister Code, who believes he can improve America's general attitude by random sniper killings.