They hate each other with a delightfully murderous passion.
It was the savage, murderous passion of the revolted serf.
He had the feeling that they might whirl as one at any time and turn that murderous passion on him.
My life depended on my coolness, and I fought to control my murderous passions.
February: the murderous passions - the final 150 anecdotes are those involving murder.
He saw how dangerous this raving demagogue was, that at any moment she might trigger another explosion of murderous passion and insanity.
He had always been my favorite uncle; now I hated him with a murderous passion.
And hard times or political commotion, as Strong's compelling account of the ferocious 1863 draft riots attests, brought out truly murderous passions.
He had hoped that this murderous passion would fade, that the needs of the mountain campaign would summon the Nameless One back before very long.
Gordon snarled like a wolf and sprang toward him, all his murderous passion fully roused.