We are in the very murky business of counterinsurgency and nation-building in Afghanistan without fully owning up.
Since we all clamour for transparency in politics, why not shed a little light on the murky business of theatre awards?
He has also managed to navigate the thicket of international soccer by being a straight arrow in an often murky business.
I would not want you to think that I'm into the murky business of grooming.
It was an extremely murky business, but on any reckoning the details do not seem to add up to systematic armed gang warfare.
Foreign adoptions here are increasingly cast as a murky business perpetrated by rich foreigners and corrupt bureaucrats.
Assigning sexuality in "Tea for Two" is a murky business.
The whole episode had been successfully passed off for public consumption as a murky and mysterious business.
His explanation, "It was a very murky business," left his congressional inquisitors nodding dumbly.
"Stop the wild dance, for Apollo is here, soon this murky business will become clear."