And so it goes, with almost every aspect of the Marlowe legend, right down to the murky circumstances of his death.
But countless victims were peasants, often killed without proof of any leftist sympathies and in murky circumstances.
Their two fellow conquistadors expected they had disappeared or died under murky circumstances.
Mrs Mann's interview raises more questions than it answers about the murky circumstances surrounding her husband's release.
But in both places activists have recently disappeared or suffered potentially fatal attacks in murky circumstances.
However, in such murky circumstances, I've found that a catch-all 'Hope you and the gang are well' usually suffices.
Die young - preferably under murky circumstances - and make a credible claim for genre-bending cultural significance.
His resurfacing further clouded the already murky circumstances surrounding his disappearance.
Weeks earlier, Mr. Abdallah had been assassinated under murky circumstances.
Both countries worked to undermine and ultimately overthrow Lumumba, who was subsequently assassinated under murky circumstances.