Regarding its murky origins, there are two main fables from the first two chroniclers of Black Forest horology which tell contradicting stories about it:
Creatures of the abyss, frequently grotesque by human standards, are being carefully prepared and marketed to hide their murky origins when sold in stores and restaurants.
There is a saying, its origin murky, that he likes to recite: "The shirt is as good as the buttonhole."
Like all countries ancient, Armenia has a murky origin.
Eventually the items were circulated on the international market, accompanied by forged paperwork intended to dispel any doubts about their murky origins, the authorities said.
About a month after Mr. Clinton was re-elected, a cruel remark of murky origin began circulating: "Drag a hundred dollars through a trailer park and there's no telling what you'll find."
The project, which mobilized more than 200 scholars for five years, has been hailed for shedding light on the murky origins of Chinese civilization.
The practice, a nice touch given the wondrous mystery of faith, is of murky origin.
A professor emeritus of evolutionary genetics at Yale, the 74-year-old entomologist sees in insects keys to understanding life's murky origins and its dangerously uncertain future.
What other town would have embraced so warmly an aspiring immigrant of murky origins or tolerated the frenetic pace of his career?