That rich murmurous sound of many people in a small space determined to have a good time.
- over and over again, very slowly, with a long pause between the first 'B' and the second-a heavy, murmurous sound, somehow curiously savage, in the background of which one seemed to hear the stamp of naked feet and the throbbing of tom-toms.
Then she rolled her head over to one side, made a murmurous sound, then rolled all the way over onto her side, pulled her knees up, put her two hands, palms together, under her cheek, and soon was breathing as deeply as before.
Seeing him so very calm evidently was having an effect on the inhabitants of the compound; some of the tension was out of the air, and the murmurous sound of many conversations did not have that frantic edge to it that Vetch had expected.
That trickling splashing sound of water over rocks; a sound like voices in the distance, murmurous, questioning.
There was such an utter silence he could hear the murmurous sound of his own blood in his ears.
There was a buzzing and murmurous sound of a switchboard being operated in the room through the doors at the rear corner.
In the background one of the women was singing a lullaby to the infant at her breast, and there were the murmurous sounds of the location, the soft cries of the children and the distant yapping of pariah dogs.
As the smell of food began to permeate the house, murmurous sounds of rising began to come through the walls and down the stairs, as the women dressed and tended the babies and toddlers.
Though closed to non-Muslims, its minaret and the murmurous sound of prayer make it a convenient beacon for a hike uphill to the Kasbah or a stroll down to the Hotel Continental.