Lactic acid causes fatigue and can even cause cramps and muscle deterioration.
Colonel Romanenko, who was the mission commander, has acknowledged suffering fatigue, homesickness and some muscle deterioration in his nearly 11 months in orbit.
Mevastatin was never marketed, because of its adverse effects of tumors, muscle deterioration, and sometimes death in laboratory dogs.
The initial purpose was to prevent bone loss and muscle deterioration.
It progresses slowly, with short periods of rapid muscle deterioration and weakness.
Strength training can prevent much of the muscle deterioration that otherwise inevitably occurs as people get older.
A gradual decrease in testosterone production may cause physical symptoms such as a lack of energy, erectile dysfunction, and muscle deterioration.
Typically, it causes muscle deterioration, decreased movement in joints and pain.
Riluzole does not slow muscle deterioration or ease patients' symptoms.
When there is an adrenaline rush and a lot of muscle deterioration, it is good to have light exercise.