They were all on the best gravity drugs and had kept to the exercise regimen so their bones and muscles didn't wither.
His hair fell out, his teeth rotted, his skin became inflamed and his muscles withered.
Lacking neurons to power them, the muscles rapidly wither away.
Gradually, the muscle fibers and the muscles wither.
He couldn't stand or walk alone and the muscle in his leg had withered badly.
If it is put off too long, the muscles and tendons wither and repair can become impossible.
The muscles soon wither away from atrophy, and the arm swings loosely at the side like a literal "dead weight."
This process can be delayed, with great care, if his limbs are kept supple with massage, but sooner or later the muscles will wither and die.
The long muscles were shrinking with disuse, the flesh pale and withered, the stitched wound healing into a livid scar.
As he was about to attack M, his muscles suddenly withered away.