The muscular youth stared expressionless at Abuletes until the fat tavern keeper fell silent.
The muscular, curly-haired youth; the farmer with the sword; and the lad with the look of mischief on his face.
Two muscular youths crambled to the top of the platform and waited above the brazier, torches n hand.
What a fine muscular youth he was.
She indicated a muscular youth nearby.
He was a solid, muscular youth in his teens, Hispanic, smiling somewhat foolishly.
Coaching is a year-round profession these days, the off season being spent recruiting more muscular youths to lumber around campus for a few years.
This son is Siegfried, a muscular but stupid youth who kills the dragon Fafner.
The muscular youth called Ben let out a tremulous sigh, a puffing of relief, and tucked his club away.
The muscular youth, looking friendly and overgrown, was regarding Mark with sympathy.