The museum has also commissioned him to create a work for its sculpture court, which is to be installed this fall.
The museum commissioned Nelson to eulogize Fortune, and she used the form of a traditional funeral Mass for her poems.
The museum also commissioned an oil portrait and bust of him which are currently on display along with many of the families donations.
Together, the museum and bank are commissioning and acquiring art, the disposition of which the museum will essentially control.
For the occasion, the museum commissioned new pieces from the 17 artists, some specifically for the cathedral.
The museum also commissioned a Harris poll of the public, asking some of the same questions of 1,000 adults nationwide in January.
The packing was already a week behind schedule, and the exhibition cases the museum had commissioned couldn't be built because no one knew what would go in them.
Although the museum commissioned the work, that does not necessarily mean that it is destined to be part of the permanent collection.
The work, which the museum commissioned four years ago, is a kind of roots tour that resonates well with this historic occasion.
The museum has also commissioned Jean-Luc Godard, that least linear of filmmakers, to make a film about the 20th century.