Most of the museum holdings, however, were saved and moved to Paris, where they reposed at the Hôtel Lambert.
Because so many museum holdings are unique, including print materials, art, and other objects, preservationists are often most active in this setting.
Aside from short general visits by staff members to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Getty, he said, museum holdings and records were not scrutinized.
The project will also solicit photographs, letters, diaries, demonstration banners and other materials to supplement museum holdings.
For most historical societies, including the New-York Historical Society, it has also led to a public emphasis on their museum holdings.
(She worked from casts, lintels and stelae in museum holdings, and photographs.)
The museum holdings consist of the national collection "Montenegrina" or "Černogorika" (Montenegrin books and periodicals), and Legacies.
The museum holdings consist of almost 2000 works of art - paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, mainly by Croatians but also by other well-known world artists.
At times these may cross over into media economic issues, such as when audio or video recordings are made of performances or museum holdings are put on CDs.
The proposed law also states: 'As a result of a breakup, the museum holdings are subject to sale with partial compensation of their sale price'.