Prices for pieces on show range from a few hundred dollars for multiples by young artists to several million dollars for museum-quality pieces.
The Suttons' home has wood-paneled rooms brimming with antiques, leather-bound books, artwork and many other museum-quality pieces.
But regardless of era, the prices of truly exceptional museum-quality pieces remain high.
We want people to come here feeling less intimidated, to know that there are not only museum-quality pieces but also things that are affordable.
"But he realizes that it is a museum-quality piece, and so he intends to lend it to museums."
Their museum-quality pieces depict dogs, cats and lizards crafted from colored threads.
One of the gallery's museum-quality pieces is an elaborate Ojibway "puzzler" pipe ($2,100) from about 1885 to 1900.
Seventy-four dealers presented their prize wares - rare and often eccentric museum-quality pieces that dazzled even the most sophisticated collectors.
"These beautiful sculptures were museum-quality pieces."
"There are a lot of museum-quality pieces there," Mr. Friedman said.