This book became the first complex scientific investigation in the field of practical music cognition.
She specializes in language acquisition and early cognitive development, and she also conducts research on music cognition.
The sum of these effects makes culture a powerful influence in music cognition.
The purpose of the program was to combine the study of composition, acoustics, computer-science and music cognition.
Embodied music cognition tends to see music perception as based on action.
This is different from a disembodied approach to music cognition, which sees musical meaning as being based on a perception-based analysis of musical structure.
Similarly, neuroscientists have come to learn a lot about music cognition by studying music-specific disorders.
Processing pitch is an extremely integral part of music cognition.
Ethnomusicology can benefit from psychological approaches to the study of music cognition in different cultures.
Research into music cognition has demonstrated that the human brain uses a "chart of the regions" to process tonal relationships.