The independent music heard every day on Radio K is made possible through the support of listeners.
It creates an outlet for amateur musicians to get their music heard.
During this time the radio was by far the most important way for a band to get their music heard.
Ms. Duris did more than teach her brother; she played the music heard throughout the film.
It was formed to help struggling artists get their music heard.
But as music heard without having necessarily seen the film, these scores stand up very well on their own.
No music or chatter could be heard, the way it usually is when hockey teams win.
But first, the Joyce, where the only music heard will be what the dancers create with their taps as they accompany themselves and others.
Already music could be heard, the strains of a lively jig.
Conference participants traded other ways to get the music heard, with high hopes for satellite, cable and Internet radio.